Its so freeing to actually sit down and write.
I'm praying that my joy for journaling be rekindled.
This blog definitely helps.
I've been able to be a part of some ultra cool things that I would like to share with you.
First off, Weight Watchers is going well.
I lost 8 pounds in my second week and since then I have somewhat stayed the same.
But I am not complaining since I have not gained any.
But today is a new day!
I have also kicked up my physical fitness.
My aerobics class that meets at 9 am on Mondays and Wednesdays leaves me super sweaty for class, but its completely worth it.
Also, I have discovered Zumba. My only question is, "why have I never done this before?"
It is absolutely amazing and fun. I don't even feel like I am exercising.
Moving on, Im still daily diving into the Old Testament.
Here a few small bits of encouragement and revelation... okay these are things that I thought were neat:
During the time period where Moses and Aaron are asking Pharaoh to let God's people go (out of Egypt and ultimately out of slavery) and Pharaoh wouldn't let them, the Lord used 10 plagues to torment the Egyptians. As I was reading it, I started thinking "these are the most random things to use to punish people." Not only were they random, but they were the things that always 100% of the time get on everyones nerves.
For instance, gnats. Everyone hates a gnat flying around them and landing in or on your nose or mouth. Imagine nonstop swarms of gnats. Yikes!
If I were an Egyptian citizen at the time, I would be begging Pharaoh to let those people go!
I encourage you to go check out what else the Lord is capable of doing.
When the children of Israel were able to leave the land of Egypt, they traveled into the Wilderness under the guidance of the Lord. Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his men to reclaim the children of Israel and enslave them once more. The children of Israel were trapped. They had Pharaoh's army coming at one side, vast wilderness on 2 other sides, and the Red Sea in front of them. They were trapped. I don't even have to ask if you have felt trapped in certain situations. The better question is, "what do we do when we're trapped?" "how do we react?" I will be the first to admit that I don't look for the Lord to part the waters and let me walk through. As children of the Lord he has promised and is capable to take care of us. We have to be looking for the Lord to un-trap us (i realized that un-trap isn't a word, just work with me). Look for the Lord to help you.
The children of Israel were hungry and began to complain about how miserable they were - remember that they were delivered out of slavery and awful labor, they forgot. The Lord provided food and water. Every morning he rained down manna, which was a honey flavored wafer (thats the description is Exodus. It sounds tasty). The catch was that they were only supposed to gather up how much their family needed for the day. If they tried to overcompensate and stock up, the manna would produce worms and stink. Yuck. So every morning the men had to go out and bend down to get the manna to feed their families. How humbling. We have to humble ourselves every morning (well not necessarily in the morning; although that is a good idea to start your day with humbleness) and pick up what the Lord has for us that day.
Those are just some of the small things I've been learning.
But of course all of those small things work together to make big things.
I got the opportunity to work at a Disciple Now in Columbus.
It was refreshing to be in God-centered activities all weekend.
To end the weekend off, Mr. Luke and I experienced worship under the leadership of Kari Jobe.
I love Kari Jobe.
I have seen her about 3 times now and every time keeps getting better.
I purposefully did not wear any make-up because I knew that I would openly weep.
And I did.
I started to cry within the first 5 minutes of the instrumental. She hadn't even come on stage yet!
For about 2 hours we worshiped like no one was watching.
The Lord revealed himself to me and my spirit was refreshed.
That refreshment could not have come at a better time either.
This week at school is going to be quite busy.
But now for your viewing entertainment, I took my camera down to an overlook at the reservoir. Mr. Luke and I had an impromptu photo shoot between our Thursday classes last week. Sometimes, you just need to go for a scenic drive and get away. And you also need to take your camera.
I am also fortunate enough to learn a few things from Mr. Robby Followell. His work is amazing and he's been teaching me a few things. So I tried to take what I learned from Robby and actually do it. Here are my results. Also, go check out Robby, then hire him.

Impressed. Love you.
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