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Monday, January 17, 2011

beautiful day.

Dear Monday,
You were a beautiful day. It felt nice outside temperature wise and all, but all of the credit for the greatness of the day goes to Mr. Luke.
Its anniversary time again. I just thought I'd brag a little bit about one of the best days I've had in a long long time. Happy 1 year and a month!

To celebrate Mr. Luke made lunch. Yummy pasta...

grilled pineapple...
oh yes... it was a picnic. An indoor picnic because it was rainy outside during lunch time.

and a banner. there was a banner.

I felt/feel like a princess.

This is the whole spread. We sat on the floor for hours...

and played monopoly.

I won the game. I think he let me win.
Such a great day. Memory made.
In other news, for my weight watchers update... I have lost 7 pounds so far. I am halfway to my first goal of 15 pounds. I'm not sure what my next one is going to be. Also due to the passing of my grandma, Sybil, there was a beautiful family fest this weekend. I was fortunate enough to spend the weekend with my wonderful sister, Bec, and my parents. Throughout the weekend of remembrance, many stories were told about Grandma and all of the fun and crazy memories. She was amazing and so talented and now she's with the Lord.
At times like these I am so grateful for salvation.
I hope that everyone has had a wonderful holiday.


  1. are precious. I enjoy reading your blog. This was too cute. Your boyfriend did good! Congrats on the 7lbs!!! WHOOOO HOOOO!!!!!! GO JJ!!!!

  2. Yeah, girl, you go!!!! I'm not doing weight watchers, but I've been hitting the gym and tracking calories. I'm down 14 lbs. since I started December 1st.
    I'm rooting for you!!!
