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Saturday, December 31, 2011

12 Resolutions

Welcome to 2012. I love fresh starts and new beginnings. It only makes sense that I am crazy for resolutions. 
Lately I've been feeling like a reporter because I've been asking everyone around me what their new years resolutions are. 

I feel like 2012 is going to be a different year in the best way possible. I fully intend to stick to these 12 resolutions and you can hold me to it. 

The Big 12: 
1. Stop biting fingernails
2. Practice following through, consistency, and commitment to goals
3. Take food and exercise seriously 
4. Be more intentional with my time and words
5. Write 1 letter per week
6. Read books - Theres a post lined up with some excellent book recommendations from my sister, Bec.
7. Spend less time watching Hulu/Netflix/The Office
8. Keep my house tidy - put things away after I use them
9. Use my crockpot
10. Plan days ahead of time
11. Conquer waking up before 8:00
12. Put less sugar/creamer in my coffee

Bonus Resolution: Pick up my knitting needles. 

Tomorrow is not only a new day, but a new year!

What do you want to do differently in 2012?

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