Hello neglected blog.
It has been far too long.
My life has been so amazingly out of control beautiful that I do not even know where to begin.
So I am going to pretend like I blogged for the whole month of July and just catch up on the big stuff.
Big Stuff:
1. I have a full time job.
Thats right! Im a working girl.
I have a title, a desk, and my own phone extension.
I am the Coordinator of Communication for Mississippi College.
As far as my job description goes, I do a little bit of everything.
I am still learning and I get new projects thrown at me every day.
This is truly a blessing from the Lord.
I plan to give the full testimony of God's blessing in an upcoming post.
I walk to work every day. It is a blessing itself to be able to walk and not have to use my car.
It looks something like this.

2. I made my first big girl purchase. I bought a MacBook Pro.
Its beautiful. For the past year I have been stealing Mr. Luke's computer to do all of my work, music listening, video watching, and blogging. That compassionate man always let me take his computer leaving himself computer-less. He's such a champion.
So now I am trendy and have my own computer. I fully plan on using it for the coolest of things such as work and blogging.
The other good news is that we plan to get internet in our apartment. So now I have no excuse not to blog. Well, my only excuse would be that pinterest takes up all of my free time.
3. I finish my Alternate Route classes this week. After Tuesday I will be eligible to be certified by the state to teach Social Studies for grades 7-12. Excitement!
4. I got a rad curtain from World Market for my bedroom. I also recently got a bedspread.
It looks like this.

The July blogging sabbatical is over!
I plan to hit this full force.
God is good. He loves us. He wants to take care of us.
If we ask for a piece of bread, He will not give us a stone.
Let that sink in.
God IS so good! Happy for you and your new life adventures...and looking forward to more blog posts :)