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Monday, February 21, 2011

Haircuts and Happiness

Hello all.

Almost a week after Valentines day, Mr. Luke and I finally got to celebrate the sacred day.
We weren't really that upset. We were both ultra busy all week. Who said that it was okay for Valentines day to be on Monday? Thanks Cupid.

Anywayzzz... we did some ultra cool things.
Mr. Luke treated me to a nice dinner. Call me cliche, but I love O'charleys. And it was delicious.
We made a run to the GAP because of the great sale. Also we went to Lifeway because they had the pocket ESV Bibles on sale for 5 dollars. We each picked one up.
We came back to my dorm room and Mr. Luke gave me dried cranberries (favorite!), mini cheesecake dessert (also favorite!), and dove chocolate.
That craftsman also carved me a wooden ring.
Its huge and magical.
I dont have a photo of it yet though. It will come soon.

Mr. Luke and I both got haircuts.
It was long overdue... just ask my previous split ends.
As you have seen, I let my hair grow out. It hasn't been that long since I graduated from high school in 2007.
I'm not going to lie. I went through a short, different lengths at once, different colors at once, and different heights at once hair phase. There are some things I'm not necessarily proud of hairwise, but I had a great time doing it.
And as I am writing this, I realize that I am morphing more and more into my mother as the time passes.
My mother is a classy lady, I'm not upset with this.

I hope all of you are doing well.
Here is a quick bit of encouragement.
"Let not your heart be troubled.."
John 14:1
Choose not to be dramatic.
Choose not to be upset.
Choose Jesus.
Choose Him in every situation and scenario.


  1. JJ! I have a blog, too! This is Kaci.

    I like yours. ^_^

  2. your haircut is too cute, JJ...and so are you!

  3. ah thanks Dawn!
    I'm coming into town this weekend.
    i hope we run into each other!

  4. o wow thanks!
    where are you from?

  5. I feel like your life may actually be lived in sepia tone if that were possible. You and Mr. Luke are just two classy old souls. Love it. Love you. Love the new rockin hair cut.
